Our Health and Safety Policy
It is Beemac Concrete Limited policy to provide a healthy and safe workplace and ensure by all ‘reasonably practicable’ means that all employees are protected against the risk of injury or occupational ill health. The Managing Director and the management team believe that
most accidents involving injury to persons or damage to property, plant or equipment, can be avoided through reasonable standards of care. It considers that the incidence of such accidents and their harmful effects to employees, visitors and others on Company premises can and should be minimised by means of full co-operation between management and employees.
Beemac Concrete Limited will seek to promote its policy by all appropriate measures. It will provide such resources, organisational arrangements, systems of work and training as required. It will regularly review methods of ensuring that there is minimal risk of injury or ill health to individuals in the course of their employment, and of damage to property, plant and equipment.
In meeting the above objectives, Beemac Concrete Limited will demonstrate a clear commitment to exceeding the standards of available guidance and known industrial practices, wherever reasonably practicable. To achieve these objectives, it is essential that all company employees work to maintain and promote the appropriate safety management systems and create a safety first culture.
Arrangements for Implementing and Maintaining the Health and Safety Policy
The ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this Health & Safety Policy lies with the Managing Director, Bill McAvoy. The Group Head of Production in conjunction with the Production Managers at each of the manufacturing sites will assist in the implementation of this policy and shall seek to secure the efficient and fair operation of such detailed arrangements as may be appropriate.
The responsibility for the implementation of the Health & Safety Policy on a day to day basis lies with the management at all levels, within Beemac Concrete Limited. Health & Safety legislation and other requirements will be kept under review by the Health, Safety and Environmental Officer to ensure that all management is aware of developments which may affect their responsibilities, function or activities. The responsible Production Managers are expected to take full account of Beemac Concrete Limited Health & Safety management system, Health & Safety Executive (HSE) guidance and industry best practice. Local management will also promote such other measures as may be appropriate and practical to achieve and maintain suitable standards. Local Managers are responsible for ensuring accident and incident data is transmitted to the Health and Safety Environmental Officer as required.
Beemac Concrete Limited requires all visitors and contractors who visit our office or manufacturing sites to adopt comparable standards in relation to Health & Safety and work in a safe manner as mandated by law and industry best practice. It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Environmental Officer, together with other relevant specialists to provide advice ad assistance to site management in the operation of the Health & Safety Policy.
It is the responsibility of employees to take due care to avoid any acts or omissions which might endanger their own health and safety, place their fellow employees at risk, or cause damage to property, plant or equipment.
As Managing Director, I am committed to the implementation of this policy throughout Beemac Concrete Limited.
Bill McAvoy