Precast Covers Frames & Reducer Units

Precast covers and frames are used to complete and seal the chambers created by precast inspection units and valve chambers. They are predominately used in light traffic situations such as gardens and footpaths to allow access to the chamber below for routine maintenance and/or unblocking of the interconnecting pipes.

The reducer units are used to reduce the size of opening at the top of the chamber to allow a smaller more compact access chamber

Available Products

Length (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Clear Opening (mm) Unit Weight (kg) Pack Quantity
1350 900 90 600×600 172 2
1350 900 140 600×600 282 2
1350 900 140 1200×675 101 6
1065 760 100 600×600 102 6
1065 760 100 600×450 112 6
Length (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Clear Opening (mm) Unit Weight (kg) Pack Quantity
600 600 50 50 5
760 560 45 600×450 46 20
695 545 45 600×450 46 20
Length (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Clear Opening (mm) Unit Weight (kg) Pack Quantity
600 600 100 58 5
870 750 85 600×450 64 10
800 660 100 600×450 48 10